As a member, you’ll enjoy exclusive discounts and valuable perks that make self-care easy and affordable. Your monthly membership fee is credited to your account, allowing you to invest in services or products of your choice without stretching your budget. Choose from 3 tiers, each tier has it's own perk for you to enjoy each month. (Spoiler, your membership fee is banked for you to use, and there's a discount in each tier.)
As a member, you’ll enjoy exclusive discounts and valuable perks that make self-care easy and affordable.
Your monthly membership fee is credited to your account, allowing you to invest in services or products of your choice without stretching your budget.
Choose from 3 tiers, each tier has it's own perk for you to enjoy each month. (Spoiler, your membership fee is banked for you to use, and there's a discount in each tier.)
(Up to $480 annual savings)
(Up to $720 annual savings)
(Up to $920 annual savings)